CCTV upgrade for the Bridge View Light Railway in Coventry
The Bridge View Light Railway is local, volunteer run project, which runs a miniture railway line along the riverbank of the Sowe in Baginton village, Coventry. We reached out to them after reading reports of vandalism on social media, to see if we could help improve their CCTV system.
After a short consultation (and an obigatory train ride) we were able to advise on how best to upgrade the existing security system. We donated a CCTV recorder, along with some cameras that we had used for testing, which the volunteers were able to install.
The railway are pleased with their new system and we’ve attached their comments below.
At the Bridge View Light Railway, we thought we knew our technical ‘stuff’, already operating our own computer, CCTV and telephone networks to keep our community railway project running safely. With Aman’s experience we soon realised considerable improvements could be made, with simple changes and equipment upgrades.
Aman took time to understand our existing security infrastructure which ranged from new, through to aging mains powered cameras. Our installation is reliable and now advanced, without a single fault in the last year.
It meets our requirements perfectly and has been designed to deal with future expansion, as our railway increases in size and popularity. We shall, without hesitation, continue to recommend you to anybody we know of requiring such services locally.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. James Cobbett
BVLR Group Secretary